Friday, July 29, 2011

Sunshine, refreshment, hope, inspiration, laughter and destiny island!

We've had a great week two here on the causeway coast! Noah has enjoyed a holiday club at the vineyard church which was called destiny island. He's been there every morning and it's been amazing to see and hear him chatting and singing about Jesus! We're loving how more often when we're journalling he'll come join in and Some of the things he 'writes' about Jesus are amazing - out of the mouths of babes!!

Annas enjoyed a couple of mornings with our great friends Michael & june so we had a morning to read together in a coffee shop which was amazing!

We also had the privilege of joining in with the staff meeting here at vineyard on Wednesday. It was such a time of blessing and encouragement as we listened to the staff tell stories from their week which blew us away. A good number of folks amazingly healed, single mums who were asked to come forward on Sunday morning and the entire offering divided between them and also the churches heart and vision to focus on ministering to the widows (whether through bereavement, abandonment or whatever) in this community. It truly was an encouraging and inspiring time!

The weather has been amazing! We've been at the beach every day digging, paddling, body boarding, reading and surfing! So grateful to God for family time! And sunshine!

1 comment:

  1. We love you guys and are so excited to hear that you are having a good time! -The Oldenkamps
