Saturday, July 30, 2011

A picture of daddy by Noah


We have both just read a great little book called "In the name of Jesus" by Henri Nouwen. It's well worth a read. Here is a quote from page 60. "One thing is clear to me: the temptation of power is greatest when intimacy is a threat. Much Christian leadership is exercised by people who do not know how to develop healthy, intimate relationships and have opted for power and control instead. Many Christian empire-builders have been people unable to give and receive love."

Friday, July 29, 2011

Sunshine, refreshment, hope, inspiration, laughter and destiny island!

We've had a great week two here on the causeway coast! Noah has enjoyed a holiday club at the vineyard church which was called destiny island. He's been there every morning and it's been amazing to see and hear him chatting and singing about Jesus! We're loving how more often when we're journalling he'll come join in and Some of the things he 'writes' about Jesus are amazing - out of the mouths of babes!!

Annas enjoyed a couple of mornings with our great friends Michael & june so we had a morning to read together in a coffee shop which was amazing!

We also had the privilege of joining in with the staff meeting here at vineyard on Wednesday. It was such a time of blessing and encouragement as we listened to the staff tell stories from their week which blew us away. A good number of folks amazingly healed, single mums who were asked to come forward on Sunday morning and the entire offering divided between them and also the churches heart and vision to focus on ministering to the widows (whether through bereavement, abandonment or whatever) in this community. It truly was an encouraging and inspiring time!

The weather has been amazing! We've been at the beach every day digging, paddling, body boarding, reading and surfing! So grateful to God for family time! And sunshine!

On the beach.

It's another end to a week. Friday at 6pm on the strand. Enjoying grace.

Friday, July 22, 2011

More than we could ever dare to ask or hope...

We arrived safe and sound in Portstewart on Monday night and were blown away that we got into the most fantastic house which we'll have for our entire 6 week stay. It's spacious, it's light, it has a great garden and to top it off we have sea views and can wander to the beach in less than 5 minutes! It all reminded us of Ephesians 3:20. It reminded us of God's amazing goodness. We're so thankful for this gift of a summer home and grateful to the folks here who so kindly kitted it out for us!

We've enjoyed our first few days bumping into some good friends, walking by the beach and reading. Today Rho has a kids party this morning while andy meets with the pastor of the vineyard church here. Next week Noah has a holiday club called destiny island.

Already God has blessed and encouraged us so much through his scripture and in reminders of things he's been whispering to us especially over this past year. It's such a privilege to have time to saturate ourselves in his word!

Yesterday andy read john 7:37-38, perhaps a well known scripture but such a refreshing reminder..."if you are thirsty, come to me! If you believe in me, come and drink! For the scriptures declare that rivers of living water flow out from within."

Friday, July 15, 2011

Ready (almost!), Set (nearly!), Go (this Monday!!)...

We've had a great couple of weeks spending time with friends and family, getting some odd jobs done around the house, enjoying time with the kids, taking time to cycle instead of using the car, enjoying time with each other and the occasional time of reading too!  Noah had his last day at nursery today, after yesterday's nursery graduation!  He's enjoyed two days of induction at Thursby Primary School where he'll start Reception come mid September.  We've also taken chances to actively seek out opportunities for work, even just on a temporary basis, in or around Carlisle once we return - but with most things being advertised online, we'll continue that search over the summer.

We head off on the ferry on Monday, leaving Carlisle that morning.  We're really excited and expectant for this time as a family to rest in our almighty Saviour, to take time to hear his amazing voice, to be refreshed and renewed by his Spirit and also just to have a lot of fun and make great memories alongside some great friends!